I've never been a sucker for foundation primers as I tend to feel that the final outcome makes my skin feel to thick. I'm currently using Revlon PhotoReady Colour Stay foundation so hoped this would compliment the foundation. Primers offer a more smooth and even final outcome once foundation and concealer has been applied. They also come in various different types to suit different sins. I found Revlon's Beyond Natural Smoothing Primer in Boots for £7.99 in a 25ml tube (which is barely anything but hey, I wanted to try it out!) and I've found another product I can now include within my regular daily make-up bag. I use a tiny amount around open pore areas (my cheeks, head and nose) so a more closed pore look is made. If I'm 100% honest, it didn't make much of a difference to the appearance of my pores, they were still the same size close up but the finished look more than made up for it.

Have you tried any foundation primers? What would you recommend?