Saturday, 29 December 2012

Soap & Glory - Best Of All

If you know me well then you'll know I love nothing more than a bit of Soap and Glory pampering. Amongst every beauty bloggers Christmas Wishlist this year was this beast of a gift set, Soap & Glory's 'Best Of All'. Originally a whopping £60 for 9 full size products, I (like most other bloggers) nabbed mine from Boots when it was less than half price for £27. I made sure my Mum knew of the offer and to quickly run out and get it so it could be mine on Christmas morning, and sure enough it was! She told me how there were only two of these beauts left when she went to get it too. I've seen countless posts on this gift set, so apologies if like me you've read countless reviews on this already!

This really does what it says on the tin, it's a 'head to toe indulgence kit', and boasts amazing products I haven't yet tried. Of course it has the more vintage products like Clean On Me, The Righteous Butter, Hand Food and Sexy Mother Pucker, all of which I have tried and I absolutely love. But I'm beyond excited to try Smoothie Star, Heel Genius, Peaches and Clean and the Sugar Crush body scrub. I know I'm not alone in saying that the Soap & Glory packaging for all of their products is so gorgeous and really girly. It has that vintage chic twist on all of their products and it looks so nice in my bathroom. I don't know if it's weird to say that?!

Once I get to grips with these lovely products I'll definitely be letting you know which ones I love and probably do a more in-depth review on them individually. I'm in for some amazing pampering later with these, but not before I nip out to Boots to use some of the vouchers which came inside these as an added little extra!

Did you get Soap & Glory's Best Of All gift set? What did you think?


  1. I love this set, I tried so hard to get one but they were all gone :( x

  2. I treated myself to this - I absolutely love it :)

  3. I didn't get this one as I already have all of these products stuffed in my drawers waiting to be used. I loved their Big Pink Box set they did two years ago as I found the contents to be much better than this year. Can't get enough of Soap&Glory :) xxx

  4. I got this for christmas, aye. Wanted last years but was too late. D: Really don't like the lip gloss though :<

    Lizzums x


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